
5071 Coastal 盈高利低

1.    公司的Revenue上升了296%,主因是卖了第一台抬高钻机。
2.    Net profit 跌了56%,主因是所卖物品的价值跌了不少。
3.    Revenue升;Profit跌的主要是Cost of sales and services(营业成本)提高了不少。
4.    在去年同期Q3’’2014cost of sales revenue 77%;这一季的cost of sales就占了revenue 101%
5.    这一季的profit主要来源是“Other income”
6.    NTA上升了24%
7.    公司打算实行15%ESOS(Employees' Share Option Scheme)*
8.    公司的PPE(Property, plant and equipment)上升346%RM852 million**
9.    Cash上升了60%RM750 millioncash per share RM1.41**
10.  Currency translation reserve上升了226%RM364 million**
11.  公司的Short Term Borrowing增加不少,从RM95 million飞去437 million.**
12.  Long Term Borrowing也是如此,从RM3 million跳去RM420 million
13.  公司最新的Net Net RM1.73
14.  公司这三季的FCF(Free cash flow)RM313 million,看起来公司用多数的现金来买PPE了。
15.  公司的生意是跟国际油价离不开关系。
16.  在坎坷的油价还没恢复之前,公司会把主要生意放在钻井领域。
17.  在今年九月,公司的order book RM2.9 billion,公司的船只生意占 RM1.3 billion,剩余的RM1.6 billion是一门制造气体压缩器给墨西哥公司的生意。另外FY2016的业绩就看这门生意的表现了。





5197 FLBHD 双喜临门


FLBHD这次又给股息了,而且还很大方给了10仙。以现在的价位 RM 2.45,股息总共15仙,那么周息率 (D/Y) 就是 6.12%了,比银行的定期存款的利息高很多,而且还可以跟主攻派股息的 REIT 媲美。想要享受目前10仙股息的朋友可以选择在12月3号之前买入股份,记得在当天3号买的话就没10仙股息拿了,毕竟12月3号是ex-date。


1. Revenue 上升了26.15%。
2. EPS 上升191.28%。
3. 这一季 Profit margin 是 22.55%,Q3''2014是 9.61%。
4. 这一季的net gain of foreign exchange 总共有4百万,总计今年的三季是7百万,看起来美金的强势帮助了不少。
5. 季报说美金兑换马币总共上升了17.4%,很难想象美国耶伦姐升息后美金带给马币的冲击。
6. 季报提到的“Board remains confident with the prospect for the remaining period of the year.”,看起来董事对明年的业绩也有信心。
7. 公司目前累计了 RM 0.83 的cash per share。
8. 公司目前还是零债务(zero borrowing)。

1. 5197 FLBHD
2. 5197 FLBHD 非常亮丽的Q2




前几天股市一片“晴”天后,今天就来个 SHOW TIME 让你脸青青。今天一共跌了20.79点,整整跌了1.23%,看来昨天的 DEEPAVALI 惹来了不少熊。另外前几天收到消息 FED 会在今年尾升息,也就是下个月罢了,大马股市会不会再历史重演去年年尾的悲剧呢?去年是因为油产量过剩而导致油价飙跌,然后今年算是在调整期,那么明年会怎样呢???不吹牛了,切入正题吧,以下是我在今年分析+分享的功课。总共有两个图,第一个是今年所分享的公司,而第二个图是我在今年年头分享的个人TOP 5(个人 TOP 5 股票/公司)。另外本人算的 Return % 不包括水钱哦,因为每间投资银行的水钱都不一样所以就直接忽略掉它了。

功课总共有14个,positive return 的有11个,negative return 的有3个。Total return 是 274%,然后 Average return 是 20%,也就是平均每只股票都赚 20%。另外 Return 最高的是 FLBHD,接下来亚军是 MAGNI,最后季军是 VS。这三间公司都有个共同点,那就是 EXPORT 公司。这样看来今年的主题还真是 EXPORT 了。另外这里有个重点要告诉大家了,那就是FEB的升息是 EXPORT 公司利润的催化剂因为随着美金兑换马币不断地提升,本地出口去国外的产品会因便宜而间接提升公司的 Revenue 和 Net profit。

接下来是本人今年年头三月分享的5间个人觉得有潜质的公司。在短短8个月里,这个投资组合一共带来了 257% 的 Return 和 51% 的 Average return。而且当中全部都是 positive return,看起来这8个月内没投资失误了。这组合的冠军是 SUPERLN,接下来亚军是 FLBHD,最后的季军是 RUBEREX。当时因为看到今年的趋势是在出口,所以就投资了以上公司,另外靠了一点点幸运。那就是 FED 一直在拖延升息活动,所以才让很多媒体在这期间一直不断宣传说“升息有利出口”。最后个人觉得亲自下手做功课的力量真的非常有效率。一来让你不会买错股票或公司,二来可以安心睡早、午、晚觉,三来可以坐、躺、站着收钱,哈哈哈。。。最后一句是开玩笑的。。。



5071 Coastal


Company review             
o   Two main businesses: 
                               I.            Vessels manufacturing and repairing services - Revenue rise 15% compared with year 2013.         
                            II.            Vessels chartering and equipment hire - Revenue drop 80% compared with year 2013.      
o   Offshore support vessel (OSV).
Additional Information 
o   In FY2014, 12 units of OSV delivered by Coastal and addition to 7 units lower-premium tugboat and barges.           
o   Total value of vessels cost RM 872 million.  
o   Feb 2015, Coastal secured shipbuilding order book to RM 1.5 billion and this is slated for delivery period of two years until 2017. 
o   Group also successfully secured a RM1.24 billion contract for the fabrication (制造).        
o   RM 800 million sales contracts are secured in April 2015.    
o   2nd Jackup Rig (JU rig) is going to complete in Q4''2015.   
o   Total order book is amounted to RM 3.6 billion and able to sustain revenue over 2 years.  
o   Business expanded to Mexico and South America.  
o   Q3''2015 mentioned look forward on the oil and gas asset named JUGCSU (Jack-up Gas Compression Service Unit)and Coastal Driller 1.

o   From chart above, we can make following comment:           
o   Coastal target foreign customers       
o   Coastal switch its main PPE from Malaysia to China.          
o   British Virgin Island and Singapore are new market entered through investment on new subsidiaries.      
o   Giving up Saudi Arabia' market.       
o   Main customer is Nigeria and then followed by Egypt and British Virgin Islands. 
o   4 new markets are entered.    
o   Target price of investment firm:        
Ø  KENANGA - RM 2.12         
Ø  RHB-OSK - RM 2.22
Ø  ALLIANCE - RM 1.70         
Personal Comment

o   Dividend payout maintained around 20% of net profit.       
o   Total PPE increased 172%, all of this contributed by Office equipment and Construction work in progress.           
o   Nigeria's vessel market for Coastal is attractive because Nigeria is the 12th largest producer of petroleum in the world and the 8th largest exporter.          
o   New business opportunity JUGCSU and Coastal Driller 1 may check in Q3''2015 which announced around 21 Nov 2015. 
o   From the various intrinsic value models, my target price to Coastal is RM3.70.      
o   Latest net net of Coastal is RM 2.60.            
o   Since 2014, there are large investment fund pumping to expand its business.          
o   Free cash flow of Coastal consider as healthy as its amount is near the net profit earned.   
o   From year 2011 to 2014, CAGR of cash result approximately 33%. It mean its cash grow up rate per year has average of 33% annually.       
o   With trailing PE, the PE of Coastal is 5.58 and its history DY is touched 3% every year.  
o   ROE is decreasing each of the year, this is mainly attributed by the equity's grow rate is faster than the net profit. 
o   EPF is one of the shareholder and holding near 5% of total shareholding.  
o   Trade payable is the main risk of Coastal because deficit trade may result the company unaffordable on the credit sales.    
o   Coastal holding cash value RM 0.92 per share so risk of credit on it is "small case".
o   Trend of crude oil will reflect on the stock price of Coastal. As the oil price drop sharply for the period July 2014 to Jan 2015, the price of Coastal also fall sharply from RM 5.11 to lowest RM 2.27 during this period.
