
0113 MMSV

这里有没有人看中 Light-Emitting Diode,也就是 LED 在本地马来西亚和美国未来的市场呢?因为MMS VENTURE BHD (MMSV) 目前主攻研发的活动,目的是要提高 LED 的生产量。除此之外,最近的美元走势会带动和利益于出口为主的股票,同时MMSV 的营业额里有33%是出口去美国的,所以在 MMSV 在货币方面占了不少好处。另外,美国在未来的今年里升息的机会很大,一旦升息后,美元会因很多的投资资金全部跑去美国而让美元变强。不多说了,再说就会变一堆经济学了,以下是对 MMSV 的功课:

Data Analysis  
  • EPS's CAGR from year 2010 to 2015 has a good result with 125%, this is due to the massive record in year 2013 and 2014.               
  • Average EPS growth rate within 5 years has a negative result, year 2012's record made this.      
  • Average free cash flow yield, CY is 2%, less than bank fixed deposit rate.              
  • Net loss incurred in year 2012 is due to the last quarter. Operating expense has a huge amount with RM 3,658,401; this is portion of 89% in total operating expense in specific year.           
  • Director explains increase of operating expense in year 2012 mainly due to the impairment of inventories.         
  • Gross profit and net profit margin is maintained above 27% and 20%, both have a decent result.              
  • Rocket on net profit's growth rate in year 2013 and 2014, there recorded 264% and 108% respectively.  
  • Year 2014, there are lot of jump records which are total asset, total liabilities, trade receivable, trade payable and cash. All around 100% in increased rate. 
  • Net cash is around RM15 million, total borrowing of MMSV is very low. 
  • NTA is low. ROE in year 2014 has a good record with 33%. 22% of pass result in year 2013 also attractive.
  • PE and DY consider at acceptable level with 11.55 at current price and 3.81% previous record respectively.           
  • Result in year 2012 made average CY become not attractive but CY in year 2013 and 2014 is attractive, both have record higher than 10%.             
  • Stock price has a CAGR with 37% from year 2010 to 2014.             
  • Net trade recorded negative in year 2014 and latest quarter result. This case need to observe closely on future quarterly report.
  • Higher trade payable may reflect company cannot pay off the short term obligation. Low trade receivable reflect company difficult to collect the money from their debtors.

Annual Repot 2014 Analysis        
  • Listed in Ace market with Technology sector.     
  • MMSV's principal activities are manufacture of automated systems & machinery and development of software.              
  • MMSV will focus at R&D activities primary gearing them towards growing market niche of high-power LED production. 
  • MMSV also look forward to the challenges with "excitement and enthusiasm".
  • Profit before tax shoot up 109% mainly due to increase in revenue (+48.8%) and operating income (+105.2%) and decreased in other operating expense (-58.6%).
  • Unrealized foreign exchange gain recorded RM 443,900, improved 7.5 times compared previous year. This is due to weaken currency of RM to US dollar.      
  • There are increased in inventories with amount RM 3.5 million.
  • Inventories included raw materials (23%) and work in progress (77%), both recorded -18% and +180% respectively compared previous year.

  • Revenue in Malaysia and America improved 79% and 45% respectively.
  • Domestic revenue is seizing 46% and others 54% is exported to foreign country.
  • Goh Kim Hock, Non-Independent Non-Executive Director and Tan Hock Hin, Independent Non-Executive Director both are doing lot of transaction during year 2015.             
  • Nowaday, Mr.Goh is reducing his shareholding to 15.08% in latest 2 months. He is the largest shareholder too. 
  • A substantial shareholder, Sim Goay Hoon (No position in MMSV and wife of Mr.Goh) is same transaction with Mr.Goh which disposed 1,199,000 shares in latest 2 months.       

  • First time MMSV buy back its shares in current month, reason maybe is management thinks the stock prices is undervalued or save the fall condition of substantial shareholder keep selling shares.
  • Kenanga and RHB-OSK giving the target price of 0.78 and 0.89 respectively.         
  • Personal view on MMSV is market of LED manufacturing industry in Malaysia and America is limited because the biggest market for LED is China and Taiwan.
  • Strength in US dollar against RM will lend a hand to MMSV for growing faster in EPS.      

Q1''2015 Analysis             
  • MMSV made other investment with amount of RM 500,000 and its value up to RM 505,918.       
  • Cash is increased RM 531,267 or 12% within three months.          
  • Revenue and net profit increased RM 2.6 million or 53% and RM 0.9 million or 115% respectively compared with Q1''2014.               
  • Unrealized forex gain with RM378k due to weaken on RM.         
  • Disposal of property, plant and equipment (PPE) valued RM 144,722 with gained RM 2,607.        
  • America replaced the Malaysia as the top revenue customer.    
  • MMSV move the target customer on Malaysia and America. Previosly Q1''2014, MMSV just gt three customer who is Malaysia, America and Asia; Asia is the top revenue customers before. 
  • By comparing Q1''2015 and Q1''2014, revenue in Malaysia and America increased 94% and 210% respectively.    
  • The higher revenue was mainly due to higher volume of machines sold as a result of good demand from both the LED industry and smart phones/ devices industry.   
  • Favourable forex gain resulted from the strengthening of US Dollar against Ringgit Malaysia during current quarter also is one of the contributer on the higher revenue.  
  • Board is optimistic on the prospect of the MMSV in year 2015.   



4243 WTK

昨天,也就是星期五,股市看起来有点点反弹,上升股438只和下跌股249只。虽然看起来是有点点反弹,但是股市先生的心情难测,随时随刻在下星期一耍个脾气给你下个10点或20点。不说股市了,有时旁身于外是件好事,至少心情不会被影响然后天天笑口常开。那我们来说股票吧,哈哈。。WTK是间以木材为主的公司但是它在木材的Profit Margin不到4%,是个悲观的结局吗?不过它除了木材为业,也有种植,铝箔和磁带,地产和最新的石油和天然气。董事局对新的投资领域——石油和天然气很有信心同时也可以带给集团不错的利润。另外,WTK是2015年冷眼新投资的公司。不知道冷眼效应会不会见效呢?因为WTK最近的业绩真的蛮差的。。。功课如下:

Data Analysis
  • Free cash flow yield, CY is less than the fixed deposit rate in Malaysia. So not attractive on CY.
  • Average growth rate of EPS in 5 years is around 19% but EPS's CAGR get depressed result with 6% annually.
  • Profit margin is not stable upheld in each year. And less than 10% net profit in every sales.
  • WTK's business activity is not stable due to profit in fluctuation condition; sometimes its result is worse than last years.
  • Dividend payout is maintained at above 20% of net profit.
  • Cash of company is accumulative and surpass level of RM 300 million. Its cash per share is worth RM 0.65. This is approximately 62% of its shares price.
  • Company's free cash flow is low enough due to it is keep expanding its business by acquire new fixed asset.
  • WTK such a cash cow company, its market capitalization is worth RM 500 million but it is holding around RM 313 million of cash.
  • On the other hand, WTK's total borrowing is almost same amount with cash in company. It’s borrowing per share same as cash per share with RM0.65.
  • So, by deducted cash with borrowing, WTK is left RM 291 million of debt. It is net debt company.
  • WTK's share price is pretty stable along the years because it is around RM1 and the average closed price in the end of year is RM1.17, higher than the current price.
  • RHB-OSK is giving the target price with RM1.15.
  • Due to its shareholder equity very high, my account based earning valuation model giving WTK with higher intrinsic value of RM2.16, this is 52% margin of safety.
  • NTA is higher than the current price now, there are different of RM1.71 or 162% between both. Quite high on it.
  • With the latest 4 quarter of result, current PE is 15.73. This is around the average KLCI PE.
  • DY is not attractive due to very low.
  • ROE of company is very little with 2.87% in year 2014. This is due to high equity and low profit of company. Management maybe not using the equity efficiently.

Annual Report 2014 Analysis
  • There are 6 division of WTK, which is Oil palm/ forest plantation, Timber, Tapes, Foil, Property and Oil & Gas. 
  • Revenue and net profit has a decreased of 5.3% and 21.2% respectively compared with previous year.
  • Director explained mainly attributed to the loss sustained in the Group's oil palm plantation and weak contribution from the packaging division.
  • Timber division is lower by 2.8% compared with previous year. Due to high consumption tax in Japan, there is a drop of 10% in the sales volume for plywood.
  • Due to write off previously capitalized cost and charge related expense for these matured area, oil palm division recorded pre-tax loss of RM9 million.
  • Packaging division (manufacturing of tapes and foil)'s revenue also had a drop of 15.5% compared with previous year.
  • WTK's timber division performance is guided generally by the Japanese housing.
  • Company remain "cautiously optimistic" of prospects in Japan and confident for the boost plan for infrastructure, construction and services in India.
  • WTK's planting programme expected completed by 2018.
  • WTK also confident for the new step of participation in oil and gas industry.
  • The receivable is decreased with RM 66,862,000; this is a pusher on cash of WTK.
  • WTK may be using the cash from debtor to purchasing inventories and acquisition of subsidiary.
  • The new subsidiary acquired is named Alanya Marine Ventures Sdn. Bhd (AMV). WTK is using cash amounting up to RM38, 250,000 and the issuance of 43,331,164 new ordinary shares at issue price of RM1.30.
  • WTK venture into the oil and gas industry via AMV’s interest in Nautical Returns Sdn. Bhd (NRSB).
  • Director confident about the NRSB able to achieve minimum profit after tax of RM 10,945,268 and RM 17,189,198 in year 2015 and 2016 respectively.
  • From the diagram above, overall performance of WTK is not well. 
  • Fong SiLing (冷眼) was acquired 5,000,000 or 1.05% of shareholding in year 2015.
  • Reason of Fong SiLing is shareholder maybe he is looking good for the new step in oil & gas industry of WTK.
  • Datuk Wong Kie Yik who is the Chairman of BOD is keep buying the WTK shares. He was acquired total 534,000 shares with average price of RM 1.12 from 9 Jan until 17 Jun 2015.
  • Company has an action of share buy back on 3/3/2015 with 10,000 shares at RM1.17.

Q1''2015 Analysis
  • From the diagram above, overall performance of WTK is not well. 
  • Drawdown of trade financing facilities with amount RM 51,937,000 make the positive financing cash flow result.
  • Highlight of profit before tax compared with Q1''2014
  1. Revenue of Q1''2015 has a drop of 5.79%.
  2. Net profit recorded worst with drop of 65.20%.
  3. Oil and Gas's RM 180,000 revenue produce RM 1,650,000 profit before tax and this profit contributed 22% of total profit in Q1''2015. This was derived from the provision of Accommodation Workboats (AWBs).
  4. Timber recorded drop of 61.70%. This was mainly due to continued wet weather condition and festive seasons.
  5. Plantation's loss increased by RM1,791,000. Mainly due to insufficient fresh fruit bunches production volume coupled with weak (Crude Palm Oils) CPO prices to cover the operational costs.
  6. Manufacturing and trading segment also had a drop with 49% and 11% respectively. Mainly due to the reduced volume for foil products. 




以上图的股票是从 KLSE Screener 偷来的(开玩笑),是根据以下的条件光明真大挑选出来,
1. PE < 10
2. ROE > 15
3. DY > 3
4. NTA > Price,也就是Price To Book Value(PTBV)< 1



1. 错过很多有潜质的公司
2. 不了解公司的前景
3. 随时不能保本

最后对公司做功课是必要的,不然在不了解公司的情况下购买股份是一种投机了,同时也不是个聪明的投资者。以上的目的纯属是个人做个小小的试验,拭目以待吧 ^_^



9717 SYCAL

号外,号外!又发现一间公司的 Net Net 大过本身的市价了。Graham Net Net 是用公司的流动资产(Current Asset)减掉总债务(Total Liabilities)再除于公司的总股票的数量(Number of Shares)。Benjamin Graham 是我其中一个师父,他的神作品——聪明的投资者(The Intelligent Investor)是我读过最有杀伤力的投资书籍了(我不只读过这一本书而已哦= =)。这连接是大约解释Net Net的概念。然后以上主题的公司就是其中一个例子了,它最新的 Net Net 是 RM 0.51而目前市价是 RM 0.415,中间相差于RM 0.095 或者22.89%。22.89%的利润算是不错了,因为以复利的力量来计算的话,大概3年就可以多一番了,也就是让资本双倍 ^_^ 接下来介绍 SYCAL 的功课:

Data Analysis
  • Average free cash flow yield, CY is negative sign with 5%, not my criteria to pick stock.
  • EPS's CAGR from year 2010 to 2014 has a nice-looking result, which is 74% per year.
  • PE is the factor of Price and EPS. PE and Price's CAGR from year 2010 to 2014 is -26% and 37% respectively. Negative sign on CAGR of PE is decent because the earning is expanding.
  • Earning of SYCAL is higher than the growth on PE and this is main reason of PE decreasing yearly.
  • Profit margin is upheld at level around 5% and then growth up to 8% in year 2014.
  • Profit growth rate is growing from year 2011 to 2014. And previous year up to 100.77%.
  • SYCAL is apply big amount of borrowing in year 2014. There is RM66, 198,000 or RM0.21 per shares.
  • Cash of SYCAL is rising to RM24, 921,000 or RM0.078 per shares. Insufficient cash for company to pay off those borrowing.
  • NTA (RM0.72) is higher than the stock price of SYCAL (RM0.42); there do exist a space between both with RM0.3 or 71.43%.
  • Satisfactory result on ROE with 15.74% in year 2014.
  • Top management never pays the dividend along the years.
  • Free cash flow of SYCAL is under dangerous level due to prior or recently two years with negative free cash flow result.
  • Graham Net Net giving SYCAL RM0.51, which is higher than the current price with RM0.09 or 21.42%. Graham Net Net is one of the effective ways to pick stock for Graham.
  • Due to some criteria of SYCAL, I think it is suitable for medium term investment. Long term investment will be considered if top management decides to break the rule and pay dividend.
  • RHB-OSK is giving the target price of RM0.555 (32% upside potential) in 13/4/2015.

Annual Report Analysis
  • Sycal's core business activity is construction which is contributed around 72% and secondary business activity is property development contributed 13% and lastly sales of good and service contributed 15%.
  • Construction order book approximately RM550 million.
  • In 2014, Sycal secured new joint venture project for proposed mix development in Sri Iskandar, Perak.
  • Property development activities included Cheras (KL), Sitiawan (Lumut and Segari), Taiping and Ipoh. This sustains the profit in the future 3 to 5years.
  • Director view that current construction order book and development projects in hands, overall performance in the ending of year 2015 expected satisfactory.
  • There is no any transaction record for director and substantial shareholders after year 2013.
  • Shareholder's fund in year 2009 is negative amount with RM99, 875,000.
  • Year 2010 such a turning point for SYCAL.
  • Year 2014 also such a DEBT YEAR for SYCAL because it long term and short term borrowing increased by RM60 millions or 3821% and RM2 million or 279% respectively.
  • Increased in the joint-venture development cost and decreased in amount to contract customer is the main issue of operating activities going negative result.
  • Joint venture development cost is increased RM51, 868,000 or 81% from year 2013 to 2014.
  • Joint-venture development in Perak maybe important to SYCAL because of this project, SYCAL apply huge borrowing to pay off its operating cash flow activities.
  • Positive result in financing cash flow is due to new proceeding of term loan.
  • Term loan's annual effective interest rates in year 2014 are around 8.10 to 9.35%.
  • Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad maybe is the "Touch & Go Card" to apply the great borrowing in year 2014.
  • Danaharta is holding 33.33% of total shareholding.
  • Danaharta is owned by Minister of Finance Incorporated. So we can be confident for SYCAL on the borrowing issues because it has the big backup in behind.
  • 資匯 got an essay discuss about the SYCAL in latest publish report No.330.
  • SYCAL operates principally in Malaysia.
Q1''2015 Analysis
  • 1st time sees quarter report online in excel form.
  • Comparing prior quarter Q1''2014 with latest Q1''2015, there is a upsurge on revenue and profit before tax with 86% and 72% respectively.
  • Cost of sales is increasing 94.7% by comparing Q1 with year 2014 and 2015.
  • Earnings per share, EPS are enhanced sound with 84.7%.
  • Cash of SYCAL is enlarged RM13, 163,000 or 86% within three months period.
  • Construction, Property Development and Manufacturing & Trading contributed 80%, 3.8% and 16.2% respectively.
  • Increased Group's revenue is mainly from the shopping mall project in Ipoh and the ready-mix concrete operation.
  • At 22 May, construction order book approximately RM550 million. There are ongoing development projects in Taiping, Segari and Ipoh and lastly Board feel satisfactory on performance of SYCAL.


Interest Rate——利率/利息率

PS: Sorry for the poor English language.

As we know that the interest rate is the extra charge which follow the rate of institution charge on the principal borrowed. Borrower should pay the amount of interest in every month for the borrowed amount of money.

From the graph above, we can see that the interest rate of Malaysia had the highest record of 3.50% in year 2006 to 2008 while the lowest record is 2% in year 2009. Latest interest rate is 3.25% in year 2014. In addition, many areas influenced by the fluctuation of interest rate, there are cost of borrowing, company, currency and export.

From this paragraph, I will explain the effect of increased interest rate on the area mentioned above. The cost of borrowing will increased due to the rate of borrowed is increased and the payment of interest on the principal borrowed is rises. For example, current 3% of interest rate of borrowing is moving up to 4%, so the different of 1% is the extra amount of interest we need to afford for the increased of interest rate.

Next, the company's profitability will fall because the interest needed to pay for the bank is increased, this will influenced the cash flow of company and make the company facing the poor performance for the quarter year. Once the profitability of company is descend, the share price of company will drop due to the percent of growth in earning is unmatched with the forecast result. In long term, the stock market maybe going bearish because lot of investor selling out the stock on hand.

Furthermore, the local currency will increased because the rate of deposit in bank is increased. This will attract the foreign investor to make deposit by using their currency. Inflow money from foreign country into local country will help the local currency raised because the demand of local currency is increasing. Lot institutions also make profit through the arbitrage process in the Forex market.

In addition, the export of country will decreasing because the effect of local currency increased and make the local product expensive compared with export country. The cost of exported product to foreign country will increasing and make the international trade going deficit. A deficit number of international trade which is amount of export is less than the import will bring the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has a slower growth rate. This is giving a big impact to the local economy.



7087 MAGNI

这星期没什么留意股市,因为刚刚从泰国旅行回来。在泰国几天后,突然想到这间公司。真的是灵光一闪,而且是看了泰国美女后想到的(虽然不确定是不是男的= =) 。有没有留意到以上主题这间公司的名字和“美女”有点相似呢?哈哈,美女都要用衣服把自己包装成美美然后电死四周围的男生;然后相同的 MAGNI 的主要生意是 Garment(衣服)和 Packaging(包装)。两者真的相似极了,几乎是 99.99 %。接下来介绍 MAGNI(美女)的功课,这真的是不错的美女哦,做功课时单看数据就有点流口水了,而且想直接向电脑荧屏亲上去(开玩笑的^_^)以下是功课:

Data Analysis

  • EPS's CAGR from year 2010 to 2015 has a decent result with 25%.
  • Average Free Cash Flow Yield (CY) also attractive with 10%.
  • Profit margin is near my criteria to pick stock, RM1 of sales earn RM0.06 of profit.
  • Dividend payout of Magni maintained at 30% above. This mean each RM1 of Magni earns will distribute RM0.30 of dividend to share with shareholders.
  • Cash of Magni is snowballing by annually. And Magni contain 0 borrowing. This is my criteria to pick stock.
  • Net cash or cash per share of Magni equal to RM0.69.
  • ROE of Magni is growing from year 2011 to 2014. ROE in year 2014 has a desired result, which is 17.86%. Good management team can be bearing in mind with this level of ROE.
  • Q3''2015's PE is exclude last quarter of year 2015. With three quarters of result make PE of Magni near 10, this is very good.
  • Cumulative last four quarter of EPS will get PE of 8.57 at current price. Company below PE 10 is one of my criteria to pick stock.
  • DY of Magni is higher than the fixed deposit rate in bank. Good investment compared with deposit.
  • Trend of EPS is growing within 5 years. Magni keep an uptrend spot on it.
  • Par value of Magni is perfect 1, high probability to going split or bonus issue on stock if the price is going higher and highest.
  • My valuation model giving Magni the intrinsic value of RM4.23, current price has 17% margin of safety and 22% of upside potential. There is absent of target price on Magni from any investment banks.
  • Magni is a long term investment stock. Its DY is fit for doing long term investment.

Annual Report 2014 Analysis

  • Main business of Magni is packaging and garment. Garment is the principal business.
  • Manufacturing and sales of garments is 81% of total revenue in year 2014. Others 19% is manufacturing and sales of packaging materials.
  • The packaging products are typically used by the manufacturing sector, especially the electronic as well as the food, beverage, healthcare and tobacco sub-sectors.
  • Group maintains a cautious outlook for the next financial year ending 30 April 2015.

  • Tan Kok Aun, who is the Executive Director of Magni is decreasing his shareholding from 1,819,481 or 1.68% to 1,689,481 or 1.56% within 9 months.
  • South Island Garment Sdn. Bhd (SIG), Inter-Pacific Packaging Sdn. Bhd, South Island Packaging (Penang) Sdn. Bhd and South Island Plastics Sdn. Bhd are subsidiaries company of Magni.
  • With more than 38 years of experience in the apparel industry, SIG has built a good reputation in this industry and is known among its customers as a reliable and consistent manufacturer of high-quality and sophisticated woven sportswear.
  • Trade receivable and mainly part of RM and US dollar, both is 40% and 54% respectively.
  • Magni's cash on hand is accounted to RM3, 674,000 and others RM71, 059,000 is put in deposit with banks. In process to seeking other opportunity to expand business, banks’ deposit maybe is a good way to increase slightly on cash.
  • Company’s two business segments operate mainly in three geographical areas, which are Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Operation in Malaysia principally manufacturing and sales of packaging materials and garments while operation in Vietnam and China are principally manufacturing and sales of garments.

Q3''2015 Analysis

  • Compare quarter result of Q3''2014 and Q3''2015, there is an increase of 7.11% in revenue and 17.84% in EPS.
  • On the other hand, cumulative result of 9 months or 3 quarters in year 2014 and 2015 is increased of 10.40% in revenue and 6.32% in EPS.
  • Packaging seize the three quarter of revenue in year 2015 by 17% and others 83% is contributed by Garment manufacturing.
  • Key factors that affect the performance of garment business include mainly the labor costs.
  • Key factors that affect the performance of packaging segment include mainly raw material costs (Kraft liner, test liner, medium papers, paper boards, polyethylene resins and etc.)
  • Profit before taxation (PBT) for the current quarter increased by 16.3% mainly due to higher revenue and other operating income.
  • The Group maintains a cautiously positive outlook for the remaining quarter of the current financial year.




免费股,它是一只非常棒的股,同时也是一只潜力股。它能让你对它产生一种无忧无虑的感觉,这是因为你买它的成本是零。对的,我没说错,Cost Is Zero。


去年你在 RM 1的价位买了100 LOT ( 目前1 LOT = 100) 的公司A,这里的总成本是 RM 1 x 10,000= RM 10,000.

然后你在今年 RM 2 的价位卖了50 LOT,这里卖的总价值是 RM 2 x 5,000= RM 10,000,这就拿回了成本然后剩下去年买的 50 LOT 的 RM 1公司A在户口里面。

在这个时候你没赚钱,同时也没亏钱。不过目前你手上拥有价值 RM 10,000的公司A,而且这是成本零的哦。因为你把利润就是换成了手上的公司A。


( 卖的价位 x 数量 ) + 已收到的股息  = 买股的成本 + 买卖的水钱

卖的价位:RM 2.50
已收到的股息:RM 100
买股的成本:RM 10,000
买卖的水钱:RM 30

( RM 2.50 x 数量 ) + RM 100  = RM 10,000 + RM 30

然后数量 = ( RM 10,000 + RM 30 - RM 100 ) / RM 2.50
                 = 3,972
                 = 39 LOT

最后你只需要在 RM 2.5 卖了39 LOT 就可以回本了,剩余在户口的就是免费股 。


锵锵!!哈哈哈,这是卖了股后剩下的1 LOT 的免费股(1 LOT会不会太少了= =)因为目前的股本是迷你型,所以当时就买了小小的5 LOT。5 LOT 生 1 LOT,我是很开心和知足了因为可以让我免费拿年报和免费拿股息^_^



5162 ECS

总感觉今天的股市有点静悄悄的,是不是熊和牛在打架争上位呢?大众一定都希望熊永远都输在牛的脚底下,当然我也不例外 ^_^ 哈哈。。不多说了,先POST个这星期的功课,那就是以上大题目了。这间公司是间科技股,昨天碰巧是30仙股息的Ex-Date。公司习惯一年派2次息,预计下一次派息的时间就是11月了。另外ECS从2010至现在股价的复合年均增长率(CAGR)是大概13%,也就是说一番只需要大概5.5年哦,听起来好像很不错,不过需要确保公司未来有很多发展的空间。需要更了解“番”的意思请参考复利这连接。另外以下是大马ECS的老大和朋友:



  • From year 2013 to 2014, revenue has an impressive growth of 20%. Net profit has a growth of 9%.
  • Profit margin is very little due to RM1 of revenue just realize the net profit of RM0.02.
  • PE and DY are worth to invest. Ignore the PE, ROE and DY in Q1''2015 because that just quarterly data.  
  • Presently PE, DY and ROE are around 8.78, 3.30% and 14.55% respectively.         
  • CY, Cash Yield is dropping from year 2012 to 2014. Latest CY is 2014 is 5% which higher than the fixed deposit rate of bank.               
  • Free cash flow of ECS is reducing in yearly.          
  • ECS is a company which zero borrowing and low non-current asset.        
  • ECS dint own any land and building.        
  • Larger cash and healthy net cash enable ECS undertake any business expansion in future.           
  • Those directors are respectable because they are just concentrating the growth on firm. Fact may see through they did not help to hold or push the stock price. Transaction of directors to ECS was stopped after year 2012.            
  • ICT Distribution segment expanded 32.1% year-on-year and this is boosted by the steady sales of notebooks and PCs, coupled with smartphone distribution portfolio.  
  • Revenue in ICT shot 248% is due to re-classification of extended warranties from the Enterprise Systems segment in FY2014 and this make the Enterprise System segment decline of 8.9%. 
  • Dividend payout is sustained around 36%+ in year 2013 and 2014.            
  • ECS appointed by Microsoft to distribute Lumia 930, Lumia 830, Lumia 735 and Lumia 535 in Feb 2015.     
  • ECS was selected by Xiaomi to be distributer of Xiaomi MiPad tablets in March 2015. Xiaomi is the 3rd largest smartphone distributor in world.       
  • My valuation model is giving ECS with fair price of 1.60 and Kenanga given the target price of 1.76. 
  • Government’s continued support for the ICT industry as reflected in Budget 2015 is anticipated to encourage this growth.               
  • ECS is targeting to enlarge the smartphone distribution portfolio in year 2015.   
  • New enhanced B2B platform is reintroduced by ECS in Q1''2015.               
  • ECS has 4 subsidiary companies which are ECS ASTAR, ECS PERICOMP, ECS KU and ECS KUSH.     
  • ECS is purchasing RM694million of office equipment during year 2014; this may be due to the expansion of business.     
  • Fong Siling was sold his 100,000 shares within one year and left 700,000 shares in year 2015.  
最后公司最新的Q1''2015交出了不错成绩,跟Q1''2014比的话,Revenue上升了46.2%然后Profit Before Tax (PBT)上升了90.4%。公司预计会在Q2''2015推出新的手机及其他平叛电脑产品,同时也对公司在2015年的表现有信心。

最后功课完毕。如有不恰之处请见谅 ^_^




Koon Yew Yin is a retired Chartered Civil Engineer and one of the founders of IJM Corporation Bhd and Gamuda Bhd. Mr. Koon was a former member of the Board of Engineers for 3 terms and a committee member in SIRIM for the drafting of the Malaysian Standards for Cement and Concrete. He was Secretary General of the Master Builders Association, Malaysia for 9 years. He is also well known for his philanthropic activities benefiting young students and various charitable organizations. The most successful stocks this few years which Koon Yew Yin holding are Latitude Tree and V.S. Industry.

My purpose of writing this article is to help you improve your investment skill.

In my previous article titled ‘An Important Investment Lesson’ I said that you must frequently look at company announcements and when you see any company showing a sudden jump in profit, you should find out more about the company before you rush to buy the share.

After you have verified that the company will surely make more profit in this year than last year, you can buy the share if it is still selling cheaply in terms of P/E ratio.

Moody’s report of slow property sales

Malaysian demand for residential property is set to slow further in 2015, according to a forecast by Moody’s. A report issued by the ratings agency on 5th Feb this year said property demand will be affected by cooling measures introduced in 2013 and weak buyer sentiment.

According to Jacintha Poh, assistant vice-president and analyst at Moody’s, property sales in 2015 should be dampened by anticipated higher mortgage rates, as well as the implementation of the 6% Goods and Services Tax (GST) in April.

Company announcement can be misleading.

Quite often company announcement of quarterly profit can be misleading especially property companies. For example: The recent profit announcement by Hua Yang attracted my attention. Its 4th Quarter EPS was 11 sen and its annual EPS was 41.9 sen and the share is currently selling at about Rm 2.10. Moreover, I was further tempted to buy after I read T A Securities’ buy recommendation as posted on the latest issue of The Edge.

I looked at Hua Yang’s announcement in Bursa and I found out more details of the company.  In summary, it has trade and other payables of Rm 142 million, short term borrowings of Rm 79 million and long term borrowing of Rm 192 million.

Share capital Rm 264 million and reserves Rm 202 million=total net assets Rm 466 million.

Hua Yang EGM on 2nd June 2015

The most worrying announcement is that it is calling an EGM on 2nd June 2015, to seek shareholders’ approval to buy a piece of land for Rm 120 million cash. They have to increase their bank borrowing to pay for the land. It looks like the Board of directors does not know that there is already an oversupply of properties in the market and they do not seem to realize that it will take about 7 years to complete the development of the land before they can see any profit.

When you see property companies showing good profit in their latest announcements, it is important to find out if the good result is solely due to the presale of their properties.

Another example: Asian Pac Holdings Bhd or Asiapac showed incredible results for the 1st Quarter 2015 as follows :

With profit of RM369 Million and EPS of 0.3748 sen this company is a winner!!. How can the revenue of Rm 60 million produce a profit of Rm 369 million?

Should you buy the share selling at 27 sen? The answer should be a resounding “NO” as the higher profit is due to revaluation of assets and not from actual trading operation.   Hence such results are not sustainable and there will not be a repeat in the next quarter.

Be Careful: When you see property companies showing good profit in their latest announcements, it is important to find out if the good result is solely due to revaluation of assets or due to the presale of their properties.

I talk to a few developers recently and almost all of them told me that they have difficulty in selling their condominiums. They cannot completely sell all their condominiums which are currently open for sale. The worst damaging effect is that they have to construct the whole high rise building even if a small percentage is presold.

Unlike developing terrace or detach houses, the developers can hold on to the vacant land if the houses are not presold and holding vacant land will cost less interest charges than holding completed condominiums.

No more opportunities for speculators:

A few years ago until recently when property prices were rising, speculators could easily make profit by putting small down payments and sell their bookings before the construction completion. Now speculators cannot do it because property prices are falling.

Avoid buying property shares in general because their profit growth prospect is not so bright. There might be a few exceptions that I do not know.

以上全部摘自:Koon Yew Yin's Blog